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Booth Speaker Series CES 2020: How AI is helping Delta predict the unpredictable

Jan. 7, 2020, 12:59 p.m.

Delta hosted a speaker series at its booth at CES 2020 in Las Vegas, raising the curtain on the world’s best airline and how Delta people continue transforming the customer experience.

At CES 2020, Delta leaders Nicole Jones, Innovation Director; Rahul Samant, Chief Information Officer; Erik Snell, S.V.P. – OCC; and Don Mitacek, S.V.P. – TechOps discussed how Delta is leading the industry in the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence for the benefit of customer and Delta people.

In Information Technology, Delta continues its digital transformation journey that will make tech a competitive advantage for Delta. Above all, it champions the idea of high tech enabling high touch, to allow Delta people to create meaningful interactions with customers.

At Delta’s Operations and Customer Center, a proprietary machine learning platform will come fully online in 2020 to produce smart, actionable data for operations decision making. Fine-tuning complex decision sciences will allow Delta people and customers even greater reliability even in the face of disruptions like winter storms or hurricanes.

In TechOps, teams are driving tech to a predictive maintenance application, allowing TechOps to more accurately predict when faults occur on aircraft components. This allows teams to act ahead of time, reduce crunch-time troubleshooting and reduce maintenance-related flight delays and cancels.

Watch Delta leaders discuss Delta’s industry-first machine learning platform and learn more here.


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